Gram Editing Services


Rewriting is a wonderful thing. It's the only department in life where you get to say something and then take it back and figure out how to say it better before anyone has to see it.

Susan Bell, The Artful Edit: On the Practice of Editing Yourself


Editing Services

There are many types of editing, and each one involves many things. The type of editing you need or want will depend on the stage you have reached with your project and your skill and experience as a writer. If you know you are at the point of needing an editor, or you think you are but aren't sure, send me an email and together we'll decide.


Like many editors, I charge by the hour for most projects. Once I have a good idea of the type of editing you are looking for, I will give you my best estimate, and I will stick to it unless circumstances demand that we go back to the drawing board.

Manuscript consultation

Structural editing

Stylistic editing

Copy editing

Manuscript consultation

Beginning with a sample of your manuscript (usually 2030 pages), I will give you a thorough critique of your work, its strengths and weaknesses, structure, style, language, clarity, and ease of reading. I will show you through examples how to correct common errors and bad habits and how to begin the process of revising and polishing your manuscript. I will offer suggestions on every aspect of your work and will recommend books appropriate to what you are writing, to help you learn more about the craft.

Structural editing

This is about assessing and shaping your manuscript to improve its content and organization so that the information, argument, or plot flows logically and takes your reader in the direction you intend. I will look at your manuscript in depth and suggest ways to rearrange, add, or delete to improve sequence and transitions and to present information more effectively, always keeping the purpose of your material in mind.

Stylistic editing

As my writing teacher Eileen Kernaghan taught me, "Style involves the structure and rhythm of sentences, choice of words, use of metaphors, and images." While preserving your unique style and voice, and with special attention to the purpose of your material, I will help you make your words more pleasurable to read by clarifying meaning, improving flow, and smoothing language.

Copy editing

Copy editing is the stage at which your manuscript is fine tuned and polished to make it error-free and a pleasure to read. Line by line I will examine your manuscript for correctness, consistency, accuracy, and completeness. I will look at grammar, spelling, punctuation, and other mechanics of style, and will mark recurring problems. If appropriate I will write or edit front or back matter, captions, and/or credit lines, and will check all aspects of design and formatting.




Gram Editing Services

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