I have been writing and editing, in one form or another, for myself and for others, most of my adult life. I have read stories that might never have come my way had I chosen a different path, and I am the richer for it. I have acquired skills that I cherish and still feel the urge to share with others. And I have met people of immense talent whom I am blessed to call my friends.
After these many years, I have decided to step back—it is time. If we have not worked together before, I will do my best to steer you in the direction where you can find the help you're looking for. You have only to ask. But if we have indeed worked together before, we will chat, in depth, and decide if I am still the editor for you.
As I've said on this page before, I appreciate what you have gone through to produce the precious words you have written, and I understand what a leap of faith it is to entrust them to the critical eye of a stranger. It is worth it, for you and for me.
Joyce Gram
Surrey, British
Natalie Goldberg, Writing
Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within. Boston: Shambhala
Publications, Inc., 1986.